Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Victorian Challenge 2012

I normally shy away from reading challenges because I don't like to feel hemmed in.  Too many conditions can make it all feel a bit like hard work for this discipline adverse reader.   But I have found two that I think will add to the reading fun for me this year, as they represent areas that I read anyway, and would like to read more.

So, I have signed up for The Victorian Challenge 2012 over at Laura's Reviews.  Of course if you are interested you can check out all of the details at Laura's beautiful blog.  But basically all you have to do is read, watch or listen to between 2 and 6 novels or films based on novels etc from the Victorian era.  I am kicking off the year reading a Dickens novel Our Mutual Friend, and I would like to re-read Jayne Eyre this year too, as I read it as a teenager and don't think I really appreciated it back then.